Salute the BRICS, Shine on Xiamen——Themed Lighting of the BRICS Summit in Xiamen

On September 3-5, 2017, the 9th BRICS Summit was successfully held in Xiamen. To embrace the 9th BRICS Summit, Xiamen City launched the "Golden Silk Road, Colorful Xiamen" BRICS Summit themed lighting project, including the Guanyin Mountain in an international style with good appearance, the brilliantly illuminated Lujiang Road, the crowded Zhongshan Road, Jimei School Village in Jiageng style, the majestic Dongdu Port, the dazzling Haicang Bay, and the gorgeous Xiang’an coastline ... After completion of construction, the project became a new name card of Xiamen City. When the night falls, the sea breeze blows slightly; overlooking the whole Xiamen at this time, there is a blaze of light, like a bright pearl inlaid in the southeast of the motherland.

Project Location: Xiamen, Fujian

Time of completion: August 2017

Designer: TORYO International Lighting Design (Beijing) Center Co., Ltd.

Cooperators in construction: LONGT Lighting Group Co., Ltd., Tsinghua Tongfang Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Dart Lighting Co., Ltd., Beijing Xinshikong Technology Co., Ltd., Leyard Lighting Co., Ltd. (former Shenzhen Jinda Lighting Co., Ltd.), Jiangsu Cheng Xu Electrics Group Co., Ltd., Shandong Wonderful Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen Golden Lighting Industrial Co., Ltd.

Lamp provider: Shenzhen EXC Lighting LED Technology Co., Ltd.

Salute the BRICS, Shine on Xiamen——Themed Lighting of the BRICS Summit in Xiamen