In this lighting clip , It's a mimic movie showing the development of China since year of 1980.

Project Overview,

Time of completion: May 2018

Designer: TORYO International Lighting Design (Beijing) Center Co., Ltd.

Cooperators in construction: Tsinghua Tongfang Co., Ltd., HES Technology Group Corp., Ltd., Beijing Xinshikong Technology Co., 

Ltd., Leyard Lighting Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Qianbaihui Lighting Engineering Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Minkave Technology Co., Ltd., 

Shenzhen Dart Lighting Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Mingzhihui Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., Shanghai Zhongtian Lighting Co., Ltd., 

Shandong Qinghua-Kangli Urban Lighting Research and Design Institute Co., Ltd., Shandong Wonderful Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd., 

Tianjin Huacaixinhe Electronics Technology Group Limited By Share. Ltd., LONGT Lighting Group Co., Ltd., Jilin Yuanjing Lighting 

Engineering Group Co., Ltd., etc.

General Contractor for centralized control of lighting: Tsinghua Tongfang Co., Ltd.

Lamp provider: AIKELITE TECHNOLOGY (HK) CO., LIMITED. (the quantity of supply reaches nearly 6 million for pixel lights only, making 

a record)Provider of 4G city cluster lighting Internet control system (EXC-ECCP1.0 Cloud Control Platform): Shenzhen EXC-LED Technology 

Co., Ltd.

Product highlights;

EXC-LED is the major provider of control systems and products for this project. The whole project adopts energy-saving 

standdard LED lamps with small power and powerful functions. The project uses nearly 6 million "SCO Star" EXC-P46AP (RGBW) 

pixel lights, which are specially made by EXC-LED for the summit in Qingdao. Using a new-generation DMX512 parallel bus 

control technology, it has top-level optical vision design and ultra-far and near line-of-sight dodging technology. A single pixel 

light is an independent four-color pixel, and each pixel can realize 65536-level gray scale changes. Through a high-gray 

high-brush no-strobe control technology, the color change and animation effect are more exquisite and realistic. The 

super-strong EMC and ESD protection designs provide excellent protection performance. In the energy-saving mode when 

show is off, the user may only turn on the white light with a power of only 0.5W, and the energy consumption can be further 

reduced through gray scale adjustment, thus being energy-saving and environment-friendly

Lighting testing:

The testing is divided into three parts: 1) the testing and improvement of the installation, checking whether the installation angles are correct, whether the 

effect conforms to the design, whether further improvement is needed, whether the circuit communication is smooth, and whether there is any wiring failure; 

2) the editing and testing of the wall animation; 3) the testing of remote control, checking whether the instructions issued by the control system are unblocked 

and whether the facilities are controllable. In the future, the pictures presented will be edited creatively according to different themes, not only serving as a 

window to publicize the city's image, history and culture, but also providing many pleasant pictures for citizens and tourists

Project effect

During the planning and construction, a full consideration was given to the control of lighting modes, involving different modes such as routine mode, festival 

mode, energy-saving mode and show mode according to different needs. In the routine mode, only architectural structure lighting is turned on; in the festival 

mode, most lights are turned on; in the energy-saving mode, only the part of the skyline in lighting is maintained; in the show mode, the lights participating in 

the show are turned on; each show time is very short; after the show, the lighting will switch to the routine mode.
